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Staking on the Cardano network and earning rewards has never been easier.

Whether you use a hardware, paper or mobile wallet, we’ve got you covered.

Check below our step-by-step guide to get started.


  1. Best Pracice : Create New ADA Wallet

  2. Stake Guide


Best Pracice:

Create a New_ADA_Wallet.

Backup "security phrase" and set up "spending password".

Send 2 ADA to New_ADA_Wallet.

Delete the New_ADA_Wallet.

Restore New_ADA_Wallet.

If you see 2 ADA in the balance it means you write the correct security phrase.

And then you can send all ADA to New_ADA_Wallet.

Stake Guide

How to stake from Daedalus wallet?

  1. Download the Daedalus Wallet at

  2. The first time launching the wallet, you will need to wait for Daedalus to sync with the blockchain.

  3. After Daedalus finished syncing, simply follow the instructions to create / restore your wallet.

  4. Make sure you have ADA in your wallet. You may fund your wallet by creating an address in the "Receive" tab.

  5. Click the second button in the left panel and select the "Stake Pools" tab.

  6. Search for "HADA" or "VILAI" and click the "Delegate to this pool" button.

  • You may now go to the "Rewards" tab to track your rewards.

How to stake from Yoroi wallet?

  1. Download the Yoroi Light Wallet at

  2. Choose your preferred browser option after clicking the download button.

  3. After adding it to your browser, launch the Yoroi Wallet extension within the browser.

  4. Simply follow the instructions to connect / create / restore your Cardano wallet.

  5. Make sure you have ADA in your wallet. You may fund your wallet by creating an address in the "Receive" tab.

  6. Go to the "Delegation List" tab, and search for "HADA" or "VILAI".

  7. Select the pool and click the "Delegate" button.

  • You may now go to the "Dashboard" tab to track your rewards.

How to stake from mobile?

  1. Go and download the Yoroi mobile app for your device: Android | iOS

  2. Launch the app and follow the instructions to connect / create / restore your Cardano wallet.

  3. Once set up, You may fund your wallet by creating an address in the "Receive" tab.

  4. Go to the "Dashboard" tab and click "Go to Staking Center".

  5. Search for "HADA" or "VILAI" and click the "Delegate" button.

  • You may now go back to the "Dashboard" tab to track your rewards.